Léonie Watson, TetraLogical
Léonie Watson, TetraLogical
Is an ability to recover from or adjust easily to change
Is designing for human resilience
Is designing for organisational resilience
Make it a core design principle
Set out a clear policy on inclusive design
Make it a reality not a fantasy
Give people responsibility and authority to make it happen
Identify and close skills gaps across teams
Decide whether to use monitoring and testing tools
Establish a network of inclusive design champions
Make inclusive design a requirement for every project
Include people with permanent, temporary and situational disabilities in user research
Make sure the needs of those people are reflected in user stories
Decide what acceptance looks like for each of those user stories
Make time for inclusive design in the schedule
Encourage teams to add inclusive design notations and comments to their work
Add inclusive design criteria to the definition of "done"
Be prepared to block on inclusive design
Recognise inclusive design at every level
In an efficient, scalable and sustainable strategy that pays for itself
Léonie Watson, TetraLogical