Baeyer-Villiger Oxidation The Baeyer-Villiger Oxidation of a ketone using triflouro-1,1,1-ethaneperoxoic acid, passing through intermediate phases to produce an ester CF3A triflouromethane group CF3 Hydrogen atom H Oxygen atom O Terminal group 1 R1 Terminal group 2 R2 The initial ketone A ketone, consisting of a carbon atom double-bonded to an oxygen atom and singly bonded to two "terminal groups" Oxygen atom double-bonded to the group Double bond The carbon atom bonded to the oxygen in the ketone terminal group 1 Single bond to terminal group 1 Single bond to terminal group 2 plus + Reagent, triflouro-1,1,1-ethaneperoxoic acid -anol group Initial reaction steps The acid's hydrogen breaks the double bond of the ketone's oxygen atom and forms an OH group The oxygen atom that held the hydrogen on the reagent acid takes up the free bond to the central carbon atom. Intermediate state 1 -anol group Things moving in intermediate state 1 second things moving Stuff thrown out in second phase transform? negative charge positive charge Byproduct: positively charged hydrogen ions positive charge